Back in the mid to late 90's I used to 'blog' a lot. I never called it that, I don't believe that word was in the general public lexicon back then. But I did, and I was very prolific. A part of it exists still on (don't bother, unless you're a member you can't get in). Around 02-03 about the time I moved to Colorado I gradually stopped posting so much. You know, life happens... I have gone back into it occasionally. Every damn social media site offers a blog, & I just don't feel like cutting and pasting all over the place, so the purpose of this is to consolidate, and I need to get into the practice of regular journaling.
I tend to take a conversational tone. Imagine you and I are sitting in some cozy coffee shop, and I'm telling you a story, or ranting about something I heard, or saw. Generally that's how I tend to write. Like my art, I get personal. Oh, I'm not going to tell you about the date I had last night or anything I'd consider to be terribly private, and I don't want to give you some emotional drivel that will make you claw your eyes out afterwards asking 'whyyyyyyOHGODWHYYYYY!!!!'. But it's going to get personal. I wish I was one of those objective people that can make art in a scientific detached kind of way so I would not have to second guess; 'is this really a good idea?!'... but I find doing it that way to be boring honestly.
And who wants that?

By the way, that's why I call this a diary, it's more in the vein that I approach these things. Oh, and about the name (someone asked me what it meant, so I feel obliged to explain). Whetstone, is one of the old names for the Olentangy River which flows through Worthington Ohio, my home town (pronounced Ole-n-tan-gy, not Old-and-tangy). I've traveled a bit and lived elsewhere, but (a bit to my own annoyance) this is where I seem to always return to. The river is not impressive by most people's standards. In fact most people don't seem to be impressed by the geography of this area of the world at all. No mountains, no grand rivers, very few caves and very small hills (if there are any hills at all). But I've spent some significant moments around that body of water, and I think it's indicitive of the area. It's not obvious, you have to look carefully, get in it, and pay attention, to see it's beauty and find it's secrets.
Also, a whetstone is a flat stone used to sharpen tools, especially knives.
Sometimes I find obscure or rarely used words to name my work, because I don't want to just -hand it to you-. Maybe I should, people expect things to be so easy (just give me what I want, right now), but if everything was easy, we wouldn't learn anything. If there is a deep meaning behind the name I don't suppose I'd tell you, but really it's just a name that works for me.
If you want to know more about me, a proper introduction would be to go visit my website, the rest you'll find out as I go.