I love 70's animation. Via Dangerous Minds I rediscovered the flick Wizards which I haven't seen since my early 20's. The artwork reminds me of Cobalt 60, which was a comic I used to read over and over when I was 16. I loved the artwork, and I just found out that Cobalt 60 is going to be released as a movie in 2011, hopefully they won't fuck it up (it's live action... that kinda bums me out). Anyway, if you like this kind of work, check out the art of Vaughn Bodé. Ralph Bakshi, the dude who is responsible for Wizards was influenced by Bodé, so that all makes sense.
So huzza, the movie is online! If you have some time check it out.
I was talking to her earlier, and she wants me to post a painting she has completed for the a show at the Business of Art Center, I believe it will hang in the Atrium Gallery for the next month (ask the info desk if you're in the area and want to check it out). The show theme is 'taboo topics'. She just dropped it off so I imagine it will be up next week.
This work also has an audio feature, there is a heart-button that you press that plays part of the song 'Why can't we be friends?' It's 11" x 14", Acrylic on Canvas... and I'm sorry I don't know the title of it.
Her studio
Pita Carrasco at work
So yeah, if you're in the area, go check out the show, visit Cottonwood in Colorado Springs, & visit the Fine Arts Center, she told me that they've asked her to donate a painting she has done of Frida Kahlo. Good stuff over there.
Yeah, nothing terrible, just a bug that set me down for a few days.
So, since I've been stuck here, I've been reading (or in this case, re-reading) books, getting caught up on articles I've been meaning to check out, and looking up stuff online.
And as always, I pass the caramel goodness on to you!
First off, if you have time for a short story...
I found this through Double Edge Films, which I found after watching the movie Ink which I found randomly because I was looking for something to watch. Ink is an independent film released late in 2009. Really good story, especially when most movies these days are either rips off of franchises or just reconstituting another movie in a new format. Ink is on Netflix and iTunes & if you don't mind commercials, you can watch Ink for free on Hulu.
& for the locals, the downtown Wonderbread factory that was closed down is about to be converted into office, art studio, performance, and retail space called Wonderland. More info at the Columbus Underground. There's a meeting January 29th at Junctionview Studios. I hope this takes off, this will be very interesting indeed!
I had this dream a while back. I wish I could build it, this thing I saw.
Imagine, you're walking in the woods in early spring, when the ground is starting to flower but before the leaves start to cover the canopy above you. This place is dotted with small clearings, the grass hasn't returned yet so the fields are covered with stale yellow. You come to one of these spaces, and you find yourself at the back of a building. It's clearly been there for a long time and it shows signs of wear and disuse. Vines that haven't begun to leaf climb it. There is no windows and no door. The top curves in a dome.
You make your way to the front of the building, the sides as you walk past them are narrower than the back, and you soon find yourself in a wide field, and that the building is actually a theater. The front is decorated in decaying carved wood and peeled paint. It looks Edwardian in style, and on each side of the stage there are steps that lead up to it. In the center of the stage there is a statue. It's about 7-8 feet high, made of wood that was once painted white but it's now flaking away, and this too is laced with vines, but you can make out the details clearly. It's of a woman seated, the style is almost Greek but there is a wildness to it. By wild I don't mean untamed, but wild in the sense that animals are wild, they have an assured sense of place, they have everything they will ever want or need, all they must do is live. The statue is gazing out over the landscape, she is a woman of indeterminate age but mature. Heavy breasts, large hips, she is covered in a robe but you see her feet are bare. She has four arms, and holds a sheaf of wheat, a bowl, a fan, and a flame. There is a feeling I sometimes have when I enter some places, like there is something special here, and I should explore and investigate, and -be- there. So, go up on the stage, and explore.
.. it went something like that.
Maybe I'll paint it, but I'll never come close.
So, new years has come and gone. Time to make some changes I think. What I'd like to do this decade is travel more. I'd -really- like to live in another country, even if only a few months. I do have some responsibilities here (home, cat), but it's time for me to recall the sense of adventure I had when I was young. I do need to find better work though, and I'm working on that too.
so, it's time for some Tom Waits, song is 'Come On Up to the House'