Heya folks. I know it's been what, a couple weeks since I posted (I try to get on this weekly at least). My thoughts and time have been occupied largely by my maternal Grandmother who is terminally ill with cancer. The extended family helped moved her to Columbus, and there has been many visits and questions and tears over the rapid decline we're witnessing. For me this is compounded with the two major deadlines that are coming up. I have to finish a piece for Go West which will be on June 12th, and various deadlines for the Birds of C.A.W. show that I'm co-curating with Helma Groot that will open on June 18. The stuff I have to do includes finishing my own piece, creating and publishing a book for the show which will be available through Lulu and Amazon, intake and hanging the show, and all of the other little bits and pieces that go along with that. With both there is not much time left, so I've been scrambling and not updating my various blogs like a good internet-whatever-artist should do.
So yeah, I'm fine really. Just a lot going on right now.
Barring any family business (which may definitely come up at this point) I still intend to be going to Wisteria's Summer Solstice Festival (Facebook event here). One of the things I haven't had a chance to update about was going down there for the work weekend. I was only there for Saturday-Sunday morning as my G-ma looked like she was going to pass so I went home early. Work weekends at Wisteria are, well, work... but a lot of fun also. A great way to connect with people, and the Memorial day weekend is a big work weekend with attendance rivaling a small festival. I spent the morning pulling weeds around the swimming pond and the afternoon painting a sign that explains the recycling procedures. That night was drumming around a bonfire and revelry. It's interesting to me how such simple things as lounging in the grass with the stars above you and friends laughing or drumming or just staring at the fire can create such feeling of community and family that no technology no matter how groovy just can't fulfill. After running home and making sure my G-ma was ok the next evening was spent with my extended family on my brother's back porch talking with relatives I had not seen in a long time. Although the circumstances are sad it was good seeing them again.
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