In other news, I've been crazy busy since I've gotten back from Florida (which was very nice by the way). I've had to review more movies for the festival, I have about six that I need to see by Tuesday. It's been a good experience, and the ones that are going to get in I think you'll like. I'll give my personal opinion on them later when the judging is done. Then there's the painting... I feel like I've had no time to do much else.
By the way! Last Saturday I got to go to the opening of the John M Bennett Skylab Retrospective and Skylab Mailart Visual Poetry Exhibit. Very cool, I got to see my friends from the Post-Neoabsurdist Anti-Collective perform, plus John M. Bennett's visual poetry & mail art he's collaborated on from all over the world. Good Times. Below is a sample of John M. Bennett reading a poem at the Avant Writing Symposium, which just ended (see photos of the event here).
Bummer I had to miss that... this is what I get for having a job.
... so yeah, more stuff coming as always!
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