For the third year of Franklinton's Go West Festival Chris Sherman and Nikos Rutkowski have coordinated a show revolving around various concepts of installation art. Each participating artist has been given a room in to explore various concepts and media.
Go West is taking place Saturday, June 11 · 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Please visit 937 W Broad St. in Columbus Ohio during this one day only event.
...& by the way, it's free!
The following artists and their projects are:
Sara E. Adrian presents a painting environment exploring the veil between myth, modern primitivism, and urban decay. For more information about the artist please visit http://saraadrian.com/
Tyrome Stewart- an interactive installation involving video and movement.
b.b. Grimm presents a collection of mail art gathered from a global network of poets, vispo, artist, & others inclined to collaborate and exchange art through postal and email. Mail art has come from around the world such as Argentina, Japan, New Zealand, and every corner of the U.S. including Columbus, Ohio's own Visual Poet John M. Bennett
For more information about the artist please visit http://www.bbgrimm.com/
Keida Mascaro is showing selected abstraction film pieces. His work mainly focuses on people's triumphs and tribulations, finding charm in the shadows of human existence.
For more information about the artist please visit http://KeidaMascaro.com/
Chris Sherman- an instillation focused on the exploration of light.
Victor Nombre (aka Nikos Rutkowski)- an environment involving a sculptural dragon.
For more information about the artist please visit http://www.nikosfyodor.com/
The Facebook event page is http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=120271111392628
For more information about the rest of the festivities at Go West, please visit http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=103634786393306
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